an airplane isn’t like driving a car. If you don’t
fly frequently, there are a lot of small procedures you will
forget that affects the safety of your flight, the safety
of other aircrafts flying around you, and the publics’
safety on the ground. Remember the phrase, “If you don’t
use it. You lose it.”
Flight currency is a topic that many students have questions
about. After you have earned your pilot certificate(s) and
rating(s), it is your responsibility to maintain flight currency
and proficiency for the various aircrafts and conditions (i.e.
Flight Rules (IFR)) you plan to fly. Maintaining flight
currency and proficiency involves continuous flying throughout
the year, in which flight currency keeps you legal to fly
and proficiency keeps you safe. There is no required amount
of flight time you must fly each year to maintain flight currency
or proficiency.
However, FAA regulation FAR 61.57 Recent flight experience:
Pilot-in-command requires that all pilots (acting as pilot-in-command):
• Maintain a current medical certificate
• Take a Biennial Flight Review (BFR) every 24 months
• Maintain Instrument Flight Proficiency (for Instrument
Rated Pilots)
• Maintain currency to carry passengers
• Maintain Nigh Currency to fly at night
Maintaining Flight Currency
Whenever you fly as Pilot-In-Command (PIC) of an aircraft,
you should document the flight time in your logbook. Documenting
your flight time will help you keep track of flight currency
Form many pilot, the cost of renting an
airplane from a local flight school or fixed base operator
(FBO) is expensive. AvScholars recommend joining a local
flying organization/club and rent the club’s aircraft(s).
Flying organizations/clubs allow their members to rent the
clubs’ aircraft(s) at a reasonable hourly fee. As
a member, you will also have to pay membership dues, which
are typically used for general business, aircraft maintenance,
fuel, etc. Register and search My
AvScholars’ Organizations/Clubs Directory to find
a Flying Organization/Club near you.
FAA and other national organizations (i.e. AOPA, EAA, etc.)
offer programs for pilots to stay proficient and learn about
new/changing regulations, procedures, events that affect
the flying community.
Flight Currency
To re-establish currency, contact a certified flight instructor
(CFI) at a local flight school and ask the CFI about the
process of re-establishing flight currency, costs, and then
schedule a few dual lessons. Upon successfully completing
the checkride, the CFI should document the information in
your logbook. The logbook entry should indicate that you
satisfactorily completed a flight currency checkride. The
CFI should also sign, date, and include his/her CFI number
with the logbook entry.
by: Sedgwick Hines Copyright 2004 AvScholars Publishing, LLC.
All Rights Reserved. |