aid awarded to students based on their merit or academic achievements
is called Merit-Based Aid (non-need based aid). Merit-based
aid does not require students to demonstrate financial need.
This type of aid is awarded in the form of scholarships, grants,
and fellowships. Inquire about Merit-Based Aid at the schools
you are interested in attending and your state education agencies.
Merit-based aid is usually awarded based on one or more of
the following:
• Test Scores (i.e. ACT, SAT,
GMAT, etc.)
• Gender
• Field of Study (i.e. Teacher,
Flight Training, Medicine, etc.)
• Enrollment at a Specific School
• Geographic Area (i.e. City,
Region, District, County, etc.)
• Leadership Abilities
• Disability Impairments (i.e.
Blindness, Hearing Impairment, etc.)
• Athletic Talents
• Ethnicity (i.e. Ethnic or Racial
• Religious Affiliation
• Artist Talents (i.e. Musician,
Dancing, etc.)
• Graduate/Professional Studies