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  Scholarship Interview
It is very unlikely that you will have to attend an interview, unless you are applying for a very prestigious scholarship or a graduate school fellowship. If you are invited to an interview, it is important that you prepare for it, as if it was for a job interview. This is your opportunity to meet the scholarship committee face-to-face and SALE YOURSELF.

Some interview questions are based on information provided in your scholarship application and supporting documents. Before the interview, you should review your scholarship application package and be prepared to discuss your educational background, work experiences, academic achievements, extracurricular activities, future plans, financial needs, and personal values. Researching information about the scholarship provider and past winners will help you prepare for any questions ask during the interview. During the interview, the scholarship committee will observe your overall appearance, attitude, personality, and how you communicate. They want to hear you speak about your abilities, career objectives, strengths, weaknesses, and more.

Provided below is a list of sample interview questions. Relate your actual experiences by including them into your answer(s). Do not attempt to falsify any examples or create lies. Don't memorize your answers to these question; you do not want to sound as if you are reading from a script. You also don't want to be caught without an answer to basic questions.

Tell us about yourself?
What would you like to achieve in college?
What do you see yourself doing after college?
Why should we award you this scholarship?
What are your favorite academic subjects? Why?
Give some examples of how you have demonstrated leadership skills?
How are you involved in your community?
What career do you plan to pursue in college? Why?
Why should we select you over the other applicants?
Where do you see yourself five and/or ten years from now?
What are your short and long-term goals?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
If asked questions about your strengths, weaknesses, or qualifications; give a solid example of how each item helped you achieve your goal. You do not want to read off a list of accomplishments, qualifications, etc.

More specific questions may be asked depending on the type of organization and the scholarship. If the scholarship is designated for a particular ethnic group, club affiliation, etc., you should expect to answer questions relating to that area.

Ask Questions
Interviewers will expect you to ask at least one question. Below are sample questions you may want to ask:
What are the scholarship recipient’s responsibilities?
What is the selection process?
When should I expect a response?
Is the scholarship renewable?
Will I lose the scholarship, if I accept an internship, study abroad, or attend to personal/family matters?
Will I lose the scholarship, if I change majors?
What are the renewal policies, if any, after losing your award?
Is there a probation period for poor academic progress or low grade point average?

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Preparing for the Interview


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