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  Interviewing Do’s and Don’ts
Here are a list of Do's and Don'ts during an interview.

Be yourself. Do not try to be someone you are not.
Answer each question honestly and truthfully.
Answer questions as clearly as possible, and take your time to think over your answers. Don't tell the interviewer what you think he/she wants to hear.
Try to incorporate your goals, qualities, and experiences into your answers. Do not rush into answering the question.
Use a firm handshake. Avoid using a crushing or weak handshake. While shaking the interviewer's hand, make eye contact.
Make eye contact throughout the interview, you should focus your eyes on the interviewer, but do not stare. Maintaining good eye contact shows that you are attentive, confident, and respectful.
Sit facing the interviewer. You want to project that you are alert and attentive. Positioning your body away from the interviewer may give the interviewer the impression that you are rude or not interested.
Maintain good posture, but try to be relaxed. Avoid crossing your arms, this will make you seem defensive. You want to have an "open" appearance and seem interested at all times.
Smile and laugh when appropriate.
Show interest in the interviewer's background and organization. Do some research about the organization, scholarships guidelines, etc.
Bring a portfolio of your work, list of activities, newspaper clippings, etc. Only bring items that will contribute to your application and interview.

Do not dress casually. Do not show up in jeans, T-shirt, earrings, fancy jewelry, pagers, etc. Men should wear a conservative suit and tie. Women should wear a conservative dress or a pants suit, and avoid using excessive makeup.
Do not arrive late. It is recommended that you arrive ten minutes early. This will give you time to relax. Arriving late does not give a good impression of you.
Do not talk too much about one particular subject. Answer the question and move on. Do not go into details unless asked by the interviewer.
Do not make inappropriate or rude comments. Avoid all of the following: profanity, jokes, personal comments about the interviewer, political or religious comments. Things of this nature may eliminate you from the list of eligible applicants.
Nervous habits to avoid: biting your nails, twiddling your thumbs, playing with a pen or pencil, shaking your leg, tapping your foot during the interview, etc. These habits and others may be distracting.
Avoid drifting off while the interviewer is speaking. Pay attention and listen to what the interviewer is saying. Do not look out the window, at the furniture, or at the walls. Stay focused!
Do not interrupt the interviewer when he/she is speaking.
Words to avoid: "um," "like," or "you know", etc. If you need to consciously avoid those words, take a few moments before you respond and think about what you are about to say. Always try to provide a clear answer.
Do not forget to send a Thank You card or letter. Make sure you thank the interviewer for his/her time and consideration.

After the Interview
After the interview, send the interviewer a Thank You letter. Thank You letters are an effective way of showing your gratitude, and the organization's continuation to support other applicants pursuing a higher education. A Thank You letter should be short, simple, and sincere. You can add a personal touch by hand-writing the letter.

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