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Creating a Competitive Application

Completing and Creating a Competitive Application
After you have read the instructions, you should make several copies of the original application to use as drafts. Place the original application in its college folder to keep it neat and clean. When your final draft application is complete, you should make sure it is free from spelling and grammatical errors; then transfer your information correctly to the original application.

A competitive application is neat, clean, and complete. In order to give yourself a competitive edge, you should type the original application. Typing your application ensures that it will be legible, uniform, and professional in appearance. Before you type on the original application, you should make several draft copies and practice on them to figure out how much space you have for each answer and where to set the margins. When you are ready to type the original application, take your time and type slowly to avoid mistakes.

If you do not have a typewriter, your local library should have a few typewriters for public access. Another option is to ask one of your teachers or counselors, if you could use their typewriter to type your college application. If you do not have access to a typewriter, use your best hand writing skills and a black ink-pin, and print legible.

Before you start completing the original application, you should make sure the surface where you are going to complete the application is clean by wiping it off with a clean wet cloth and then dry it off.

Once your application is complete, you should:
• Make sure it is free from stray marks, stains, and wrinkles.
• Proofread it to make sure it is free from spelling and grammatical errors.
• Have someone proofread your application.
• Make a copy of the completed application for your records.

Completing an Online Application
An online application can be completed and submitted via the Internet. Before you complete the online application, you should print a hard copy as a draft. After printing the application, bookmark the college’s website, so you can easily return to it when you are ready to submit the online application. Once you have completed the draft application with no spelling or grammatical errors, return to the college’s web site. Refer to your final draft copy and carefully type your answers into each blank provided on the online application form. After you finish, you should read over your answers before clicking the ‘Submit’ button to ensure that your application is free of any mistakes or errors (i.e. grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors) and that you have answered every question that applies to you. Then print a copy of the application for your records. Only when you have done all of these steps, should you submit the online application.

Click here for the next page>>
Putting & Submitting the Application Package

Written by: Sedgwick Hines Copyright 2004 AvScholars Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


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