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  Completing a program successfully
If you are offered an internship or co-op position, you should make the most of this opportunity. This opportunity is a stepping-stone to help you reach your career goals. You can begin and complete an internship or co-op successfully by following the tips provided below:

Learn as much as you can about the company or organization.
Know your job’s responsibilities and duties.
Establish goals/objectives. Sit down with your supervisor and establish mutually agreed-upon goals so you know what is expected of you. Make sure your tasks are clearly defined, then plan and organize them. Pace yourself.
Dress appropriately and always be prompt.
Be conscious of office politics and avoid gossip.
Always keep a positive attitude.
Be dependable and avoid missing work whenever possible. If you must miss work, call in advance to notify your supervisor.
Understand that some general office work is part of the job such as: copying files, answering the phone, etc.
Be respectful of your co-workers' space and responsibilities. And don't forget, co-workers are a great resource for learning more about the work environment.
Be a team player. Don't isolate yourself. Ask questions and observe people and their job functions.
Ask to be rotated through or to have time to observe other departments in order to broaden your experience with the organization. Notice jobs that give you additional skills and experiences toward your career goals.
Be visible by doing your job well. Always be flexible and willing to pitch in where you're needed.
Deal directly with your supervisor; don't go around him or her.
Introduce new ideas gradually and avoid trying to change too much too soon. Ask for more responsibilities. This initiative will prepare you for better positions in the future.
Make sure you have a final evaluation meeting with your supervisor when you complete your internship. Ask if you may use him or her as a reference.
Ask for and give feedback, and don't forget to thank your supervisor and colleagues for the valuable learning experience.
Finish your projects on time.
Don't burn bridges!
If there are other interns in the office, develop relationships with them to serve as a support system.
NETWORK! It is important to establish contacts with people in your career field. These people are valuable resources. They may be able to help you in your current position or lead to other contacts for future job opportunities.

Good luck with your career!


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