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Careers in Aviation

Aviation Health Services

Featured Aviation Careers
Flight Physician
Aviation Medical Examiner (AME)

Flight Physician
A Flight Physician is a physician, trained either as a D.O. or M.D., who has taken classes in aviation physiology and medicine. A flight physician is part of an air medical staff that consists of pilots and flight nurses that are highly trained in critical patient care and flight physiology. Airlines, military branches, hospitals, and organizations provide air medical services to critically ill or injured patients from the scene of an emergency to a nearby hospital or from one hospital to another should they need specialized medical treatment. Air medical services provide rapid, safe air transport services using helicopters or airplanes.

Aviation Salary Range

$65,000 - $95,000

Aviation Educational Requirements

Medical degree

Aviation Employers
Airlines, NASA, FAA, military, private practice
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Aviation Medical Examiner (AME)
Aviation Medical Examiner (AMEs) is a private physician (either as a D.O. or M.D.), trained and authorized by the FAA to perform airman medical examinations, and to issue medical certificates. Private physicians must take classes in aviation physiology and medicine. Aviation Medical Examiners are a key element in the medical certification process, ensuring that airmen meet the medical standards prescribed in the Federal Aviation Regulations, and are medically fit to perform safety-related duties.

AMEs play a vital role in the FAA Office of Aerospace Medicine's goal to promote aviation safety through excellence in aeromedical certification of airmen. Although most of the duties performed by AMEs are governed by Federal Regulations and Orders (directives), AMEs are not Federal employees.

Aviation Salary Range

$65,000 - $95,000

Aviation Educational Requirements
Medical degree

Aviation Employers

Airlines, NASA, FAA, military, private practice
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Step 2: Aviation Careers
Law-Related Services



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